Mother's Day

5 Great Gift Ideas For Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! If you have been struggling to find the perfect gift for your mother this year, or are a chronic last minute planner, I may be able to help πŸ™‚

A Little Story First

This year will actually be my first Mother’s day being the mum! Oddly, the thought didn’t even cross my mind until I was talking with my own mum about her Mother’s Day celebration. She will be away for the actual day this year, so I celebrated with her a few days ago instead.

She reminded me that from this year on, Mother’s Day will always carry a duel meaning for me now.

It’s quite an odd feeling to know that Mother’s Day will never just be about my mum again. On the other hand, it’s quite nice feeling like you’ve gained another birthday of sorts!

I’m excited for the years that Willow will pick me a flower (or a weed haha) or when she’ll draw me a picture on a beautiful hand made card (also known as a white piece of computer paper with scratches and scribbles all over it. Lucky for me, I’m into abstract art).

From having my own child, I now have a new perspective, appreciation and understanding of what it was like for my own mother in the early days of my life. Although my mum has now been promoted to Nana, it’s just as important to me that she continues to get her special Mother’s Day gift too; now more than ever perhaps!

Over the years, I’ve kept a running list of the things that my mum mentions she likes. It’s amazing how much easier it becomes choosing a gift when you already have a great list of pre-approved mom items to choose from.

Recognizing that no two mother’s are the same however (some mums give very few hints about the things they like and enjoy), and that choosing a gift can become tedious and difficult (especially for you last minute shoppers) I’ve decided to put together a small list of 5 great gift ideas for Mother’s Day!

So, if you are looking for something other than the traditional bouquet of flowers (though flowers are still nice too), read on!

1: A Mixed Basket Of Hand Chosen Items

Mom’s love thoughtful gifts. One thing I love to do is to create personalized gift baskets. They can be filled with anything really (and you know your mum best!), however one great idea is a Tea/Coffee selection. Choose 5 or so different coffee/teas, a nice mug, maybe a tea strainer, some kind of yummy cookies (it’s always good to have a cookie with your tea), and arrange them in a nice wicker basket.

If you happen to be in Canada, and want to order tea, try – I really like the Pina Colada, and the Roobois After Eight is great too!

2: A Pampering Gift

If your mum is the type to enjoy some pampering – a spa day is the way! Depending on the types of things your mum likes, you could book a package (there are always great Mother’s Day specials that spa’s run, with packages including mani’s/pedi’s, massages etc), or how about a facial and a make up application? A gift certificate for a hair cut/colour at her favourite salon is always a great choice! Spoil your mumma and make her feel like a queen! πŸ™‚

3: A Sentimental Gift

Why not create a beautiful slide show in your favourite video editing program of pictures of you and your mum together over the years. She will especially love it if you put it to the song β€œEvery Day Is Mother’s Day To Me” by Tim McMorris πŸ˜‰ If you don’t have the editing skills for a digital slideshow, a hand written letter expressing your heart-felt gratitude for your mother is always a precious and unforgettable choice.

4: A Gardener’s Gift

With Spring (finally) here, if your mum is a gardener, I am sure she is just itching to get out to start digging, planting and growing (if she hasn’t begun already that is). Every gardener always has things they want – even if they seem to have it all! Whether it’s a new tool, some new seeds, flowers, trays, gloves or anything else garden related – there is always room for more! If she really does have it all and doesn’t need any more “regular” gardening items, here’s something she may not have thought of yet: A tractor scoot with bucket basket

5: A Practical Gift

If your mum wants gifts that are simple and practical, here’s a few ideas…

A smartphone mounting and powering station

– A gas gift card for the ultra practical mum, or a Starbuck’s gift card for the “secretly really wants to go there but can’t justify spending so much money on a latte” mum.

– Gift card to her favourite clothes store.

Here are just a few extra things I’ve seen along the way that make very cool gifts:

Mastrad Macaroon Kit

Garmin VivoFit

Le Creuset Kettle

Mom’s Family Calender

Bonus Gift

If your mum already seems to have it all, or you can’t think of anything she needs or wants, every mother can always use the gift of time, love, and labour.Β  How about creating a gift card that offers your services for a day of helping your mom with anything she needs. If you are feeling particularly generous, give her multiple days! With this gift she really gets two in one – some hard labour, and some quality time!

I hope these 5 gift ideas for Mother’s Day have sparked some ideas for you, and help in this year’s gift hunt for your deserving mum. Have a great Mother’s day everyone!

PS. I would love to hear what you gave/got and how you spend the day in the comments below!




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1 Comment

  • Reply Lisa May 7, 2015 at 1:41 am

    Great post πŸ™‚

    Grrr… I’m so lazy when it comes to Mother’s Day (shame on me, I know!!!) I really like the letter idea though, and I know my mom will really like that.

    Congrats on your first M day by the way Khaili!

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